City Clerk

Susa Pierce standing in front of the Bowdon seal.

Susan Pierce

  • 182 Grammar School Road, Bowdon, GA 30108
  • (770) 258-8980

Business Licenses

New Business License

To obtain a new Business License, bring a completed application to City Hall, along with the following documentation:

  • Lease Agreement (if renting business space)
  • Proof of Ownership (if owner of business space)
  • Tax Id # for the Business
  • Personal Identification

Original Business License Fee is $60

Business License Renewal

Business License Renewal fees are based on the amount of a business's annual receipts. Current business licensees will receive a Business License Renewal letter in October.

Payment and required renewal paperwork are due January 1-March 31 of each year. Beginning April 1, late business license renewals are subject to a late fee, and failure to obtain and/or renew business license on time can result in citations, fees, or additional action.